Who's Who



Address / Telephone


The Rev'd Michael Payne

The Vicarage, St Gregory’s Crescent

01474 352500


Reader Emeritus

Mrs Mavis Prater 

 01474 812330

Church Wardens

Mr Robert Hollands

01474 748513



Parish Safeguarding Officer 

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor

Mrs Janet Trevor

01474 352230


Mr Greg Barry 

 07585 952174 / 01634 560000


Organist & Choirmaster

Mr David Sisterson

01474 534050

PCC Secretary

Mr Michael Welch

01474 567722

PCC Treasurer

Mrs Barbara Potter

01474 746702

Church Hall Lettings

Mrs Barbara Potter

01474 746702

Nursery Schools Manager

Mrs Gayle Farquhar

07715 337816

Powerhouse Manager

Mr Michael Welch

01474 567722

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 12th February
9:30am -
2:00pm -
Sunday 16th February
10:00am -

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