Faith and Spirituality

Christian faith is the bedrock of a life in which a person believes in God made known in Jesus Christ. Faith is how we live out that belief and we use the Bible, prayer, worship in church or other space, the traditions and teachings of Christianity as Anglicans receive them, and mission (doing things in society and community which arise from our belief).

Spirituality is the practice of prayer, contemplation and worship used by the Christian. There are all kinds of spiritualities because there are all kinds of ways of being Christian.

If you are new to the Christian life, don't worry. The most important thing is to have your heart open to Christ and to make a commitment to pray. Everything else will follow on if you keep going. Prayers to start with include the Lord's Prayer and Psalm 100

This part of our website contains various things to help you in faith and spirituality. This section is new and resources are appearing as we go along, so it's a good idea to check back now and then to see what's new.

As a start, you may find it useful to read our weekly reflection on the Bible reading for each Sunday. These can be found at Reflections and Prayers you will also be able to keep up to date with what is happening at St Aidan's because we include any notices and updates in the same place.

One of the best ways to nourish your faith is to engage with your local church. During the Covid-19 pandemic St Aidan's, like many churches, has moved some of its worship online. The most regularly used online space is our Facebook page where the Sunday Eucharist is broadcast at 10am and where short, peaceful prayers for the evening are broadcast on Sundays-Wednesdays at 8pm. Some videos are also uploaded to our YouTube channel.

The Vicar, Father Michael, can be contacted on 01474 352500 or to talk about matters of faith and spirituality.

May God bless you.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 12th February
9:30am -
2:00pm -
Sunday 16th February
10:00am -

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